Completed for FIBR 190: Color Lab - Project 1: Fabric Surface Design with Screen Printing
This project was my first project in 190, which had us dying raw silk & cotton fabric in reactive dyes, as well as experimenting with screen printing & lots of layering.
I had a lot of collage in my mind with this project and I really wanted to use some basting stitching, which I had never really done before.
For materials, I used raw silk, cotton broadcloth, scrap denim, polyester fabric from a thrifted white pantsuit, some scrap ribbon, embroidery floss, and wax seals. I used the reactive dyes to dye all of the fabrics accept the denim. I also used screen printing ink to screen print & mono print.
Swatch 6 was a tic-tac-toe game completed by me & a friend. Swatch 9 was an experiment that didn't turn out how I wanted, considering reactive dyes don't stick to polyester fabrics. Swatch 10 was a compilation derived completely from scraps I had left over from the previous swatches.